
Showing posts from August, 2021

How ATD Group's Oxygen Generation Plant Does Important Work for Medical Health

         Have we ever thought that there would come a day in our lives when we would desperately need oxygen gas to survive? The pandemic has made us realize the value of oxygen gas in our lives. However, not used domestically, but since the beginning of the epidemic, medical oxygen use is increasing. Many a time’s patients become critical due to a lack of oxygen in the hospital premises. People lost their loved ones only because this life-saving gas was not available in the hospital. Isn’t this suggestive? ATD Group is a well-known manufacturer and supplier of PSA oxygen gas and oxygen generators. The  oxygen generators  produce gaseous oxygen on-site from the compressed gas.  The produced oxygen is then supplied to the relevant department for medical purposes.  Looking at the present situation, we will say that hospitals will need to install  oxygen generator plants  to make sure that patie...